Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The thoughts that go through my brain.

Before I get into this post, I want to give a shout out to Cecily (my sole follower) for encouraging me to blog more. Although nobody really reads my blog, it is a nice way to just let out what I am thinking and feeling.

Lately, my life has been really uneventful, and that's to say the least. The last few weeks I have started my new job. There is nothing I hate more than starting a new job. I went from knowing everything about my old job and being one of the top performers there, to not knowing a damn thing about my new job. The people are new. The product is new. And even the bathrooms there are new...which is actually an upgrade and kind of nice. I do understand though that with time comes experience, and with experience comes confidence, and with confidence comes success (Yeah, I just made that up. I'm a freaking genius, right?).

Besides starting a new job, nothing is new and exciting in my life. I have been growing my annual winter mountain man/homeless man beard. It is getting pretty long and itchy, but it brings my soul a lot of joy to never have to shave my face. Words just cannot explain how much I hate shaving. I think it is innate, something that I was born with. Now the hard part about this innateness is finding a girl that actually likes a guy with a beard, or at least some kind of facial hair. In my experience, 86.5% of girls I have dated prefer a nice, clean-shaven face on a boy. Which is obviously why I am no longer dating any of those girls. As for the remaining 13.5%...I will wait to write about them in a later post.

It has been extremely hard for me the last number of weeks not being able to work for the Utah Jazz anymore. The Jazz are my life. If they lose a game, then I am completely depressed and pathetic until they win their next game. (Side note: They did lose their last game they played, which was on Monday against Portland. The worst part about this loss is that it was at the our arena, and we still lost.) We do have a game tonight in Los Angeles against the Clippers. I sure hope we can get the W so I can get out of this "I have nothing to live for" slump I have been in since they lost on Monday.

I love MMA (mixed martial arts). All of my close friends and family members have known this about me the last couple years, but for many, it comes as a surprise. I guess I just don't look like the type of dude who orders every UFC fight on Pay-Per-View, but yes, that is me. No, I don't wear designer jeans with thick white thread for stitching and the coolest designs and jewels on the back pockets. No, I don't wear shirts that look equally as ridiculous with upside down crosses that are sprouting wings, along with intricate silly designs around them. But for some reason, I LOVE MMA. I love everything about it. I love Boxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Wrestling, Muy Thai, Kick Boxing, Judo, Karate, all of it. It is so raw and is such a pure sport. I must add though that my #1 favorite sport of all time always has been and always will be basketball, hands down. But, it may come as a surprise to many that my #2 sport is mixed martial arts. (For the record, football is #3.)

One last thought to complete this post: I need a girlfriend. Not necessarily that I want a girlfriend super bad, because that is not the case. However, I feel that I actually need one in my life. I mostly feel this way because I think it would benefit me spiritually. Of course, in order to do that she would have to be an active member of the church, but that is obviously who I am interested in dating anyway. Plus it is pretty pathetic when I see all of my friends get married and live happy lives, and I then I think about my life and how I only care about sports, work, and food. I guess what I am getting to here is that it is just not healthy to be a 23 and a half year old (Yes, I still count the half year, just like my five year old sister does) and not have any kind of relationship when it comes to dating. I dunno, maybe I am just thinking and overanalyzing too much about it. Good thing this is my own blog and I can write whatever the hell I want, right? Thanks for reading all this, that is, if you even made it this far. Have a good day.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Hello world (Cecily Lewis),
I shaved my beard off last night because I was bored and had nothing to do. I also decided to do it because apparently girls hate facial hair...? At least that is what I have been hearing from some female friends of mine the last few weeks. In fact, I have been hearing that the last few years of my life. Sometimes I just snap and shave it off in hopes that the following day some attractive short blonde girl will approach me and ask ME on a date. Ha ha...yeah, sure, Luke. You are crazy. So crazy that you are talking to yourself in third person...ON YOUR OWN BLOG!!! Woof.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Rookie blogger, right here.

     Is this how I start blogging? I guess it does not even matter much since I have nobody following me. Nice. I decided to start a blog because it seems like it is the cool, hip, awesome thing to do, and that is what I am all about. Just kidding. I actually started one so I could express my opinions on things as they come up in my life- a form of expression.
     Let me just say how BEAUTIFUL last night was. The Utah Jazz beat the Los Angeles Lakers at the Energy Solutions Arena. My good buddy, Darren, was kind enough to take me to the game. It was freaking rad. I hate the Lakers with a passion. I hate them more than I hate Walmart, more than guys that are "tools," and even more than Hitler himself. Jazz > Lakers. Awesome.
     Well, this is the beginning of the end of my first official blog post. It has been an enjoyment to type out these words, even if I only have one follower currently (Yes, while I was typing this short post, I gained one follower. Thanks Cecily). Until next time.